The fastest and easiest place to find a sitter
No. 1 sitter matching platform for babysitters, drop-off sitters, live-in sitters, house sitters, etc.
- Received the [Most Trusted Brand Award] chosen by consumers (Digital Chosun Ilbo)
- Free registration of job information/profile
- Free safe number provided
- Detailed search for occupation, work type, and region
- Provides seatnet safety insurance with Hyundai Marine & Fire Insurance
- No matching fee
- The fastest matching place even for free
[Service access permission information]
1. Save (optional)
- Used to register resume photos.
2. Camera (optional)
- Used to register resume photos
3. Phone (optional)
- Used for service-related phone inquiries, such as calling the advertiser.
4. Character (optional)
- Used to send service-related text messages, such as sending text messages to advertising registrants.
** You can use the app even if you do not agree to the optional access permissions.